Thursday, April 2, 2015

type 2: 4.2

This week was focused on designing the cereal boxes with all of the content included. At first, the content didn't seem very tedious, but the further I got into each design the more overwhelmed I became. It's intimidating trying to find a place for everything! Below are the designs I developed:



I spoke a little today with Kidwell and he taught me how to do the mono- and duotone method correctly. Also, after looking at the other students' work, and overhearing Kidwell talk, for next time I plan on making my boxes look less flat and avoiding using singular color themes so much.


  1. Hope, it is clear to see that you have spent a lot of time on your explorations. My favorite is #4 because of your use of color, repetition and cut and paste technique. It is a unique way to interpret the material. The effect that the I assume was caused by the scanner is interesting and looks like you experimented with spray paint. That may be something to experiment with more!

    1. The pixelation does kind of look like spray paint, doesn't it? I've been debating about keeping or fixing that, glad to know someone else thinks it has good qualities too! Thanks for the input, Kylie!

  2. Hey there! I love how energetic and colorful your designs are! My personal favorites are #4 and #7. They are eye-catching and fun while remaining legible and exciting. Good job!

    1. Thanks for the input, Nicole! It'll really help me narrow down which designs to refine.
