Thursday, April 16, 2015

type 2: 4.17

For our second project, we will be designing an exhibition space and an accompanying booklet. The subject of these designs will be Charlie Parker, "the Bird," and bebop jazz. Charlie Parker was a great saxophone player with wild originality known for the bebop style of jazz characterized by playing higher intervals of a chord for a melody. After watching the youtube video posted on the class website, I've come up with a list of attributes that I think best describe Charlie Parker. The attributes I think are the most useful for the project are in red.
After deciding upon these attributes, I came to realize that the beauty and tragedy of Charlie Parker's life is the story I want to convey through this design project. On a musical level, he was a genius and an innovator, but on a personal level he was largely a depressed addict. I think Charlie's story is best summarized by a statement from one of his previous band-mates, "nothin' but soul."

Floor plans:


Icons, Indexes & Symbols:


Style inspiration:

Exploring the title font:


Before the next post, I hope to explore a lot more through drawing and hand lettering!

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